
Indian Kino/Vengai

Pterocarpus marsupium



General Information :

  • A deciduous tree, with spreading branches.
  • Bark rough dark grey in color.
  • Flowers are fragrant yellow in color.
  • Pods flat, one seeded with seeds reddish brown in color.

Distribution :

  • It is found scattered in all parts of India.

Habitat : Deciduous forest

Soil : Grows in wide range of soils.

Altitude :750-1400 m (MSL)

Rainfall :1000-1500mm மீ

Temperature : 25°C to 35°C

Terrain : Plains/hilly

Tree Characteristics :
  • The tree is moderate light demander, sensitive to frost and drought hardy.
  • It coppices well and fire hardy.

Habit : Dry Deciduous Tree

Planting Guidelines

Natural Regeneration :

  • Pods are dispersed by strong winds in hot weather.
  • Plenty of regeneration appears with the onset of monsoon.

Artificial Regeneration :

  • Propagated by Nursery raised seedlings.

Seed collection and Storage :

  • The Good seed years are produced at intervals of 2-3 years.
  • The ripe pods are collected in February-May
  • The pods approximately 1600/kg.
  • Seeds extracted from the pods and can be stored up to 9-12 months.
  • The germination capacity and plant percent is 80 and 60 respectively.

Seed Treatment :

  • Soaking pods in cow dung slurry for 48 hours.
  • Treated seeds are dibbled in line 20 cm apart in mother bed during February – March.
  • Germination takes place within 8 weeks.
  • Watering and weeding is done regularly.
  • Two leaf seedlings are pricked out and transplanted into polybags.
  • One year old nursery raised seedlings are fit for planting.

Nursery Technique :

Nursery Raised Seedlings :

  • One year old seedling about 23 cm tall is planted during the onset of monsoon.
  • Pit size of 30 cm3 is adopted and spacing 3 m x 3 m.

Plantation technique :

Nursery Raised Seedlings : ·         One year old seedling about 23 cm tall is planted during the onset of monsoon.  ·      Pit size of 30 cm3 is adopted and spacing 3 m x 3 m.

Care & Disease Control :

  • Weeding and soil working should be carried out at regular intervals as seedlings benefits from side protection of weeds.

Recommended Harvest :

  • 20- 25 years

Yield :

  • .Approximately 200-250 tons/ ha*
*Subject to varry according to site factors.  

Major uses :

  • It is most valued timber for constructional and furniture purpose after teak and Rose wood.
  • It is used for door and window frames, posts, pillars, and agricultural implements.
  • The bark gives an astringent, blood red colored gum known as Kino gum which has medicinal properties.
  • It is also used in dyeing, tanning and printing. 
  • The gum resin is the only herbal product ever found to regenerate beta cells that make insulin in the pancreas.
  • Mixed with other woods it can be used in the manufacture of pulp for wrapping paper.
  • It is used as a fuel.

Market details :

Timber : Rs.4500/sft.