
White palle/Mattipal

Ailanthus triphysa



General Information :

  • It is a large, ornamental deciduous tree with cylindrical stem.
  • Bark is grey, Flowers are white in color and
  • Fruits are reddish brown. 

Distribution :

  • It is found thro ughout in the Western Ghats regions in India

Habitat : It is common in Tropical semi evergreen forest.

Soil : Grows best in deep, well drained, clayey loam soils, thrives in shallow and compacted soils.

Altitude :60-1500 m (MSL)

Rainfall :1500 – 2000 mm

Temperature : 27°C - 40°C

Terrain : Plains / Hills

Tree Characteristics :
  •  Light demander, seedlings are susceptible to frost
  • seedlings and pollens are sensitive to water -logging

Habit : Semi-evergreen Tree

Planting Guidelines

Natural Regeneration :

Natural Regeneration:

  • Natural regeneration is moderate through seeds
Artificial Regeneration:
  • It can be established by direct sowing and Nursery raised seedlings.
Seed Collection and Storage:
  • The fruits ripen during March-April.
  • The fruit is light and wind dispersed.
  • The fruits are collected and shade dried.
  • Seeds can be stored with viability up to 3 months.
  • The germination and plant percent in the fresh seeds are 50-70 and 40-60 respectively.
Seed Treatment:
  • No seed treetment is necessary
Nursery Technique:  
  • Well prepared raised beds to allow good drainage.
  • Sowing may be carried out in lines about 20 cm.
  • The depth of sowing should not be more than 5mm. 
  • Seed is sown during March-April in raised beds.
  • Watering should be done  regularly.
  • Germination starts in10-20 days .
  • Picking out of 8-10 cm tall seedlings should be done at an escapement of 7-8 cm preferably in the cloudy afternoons.
  • It should be carried out normally in June to July.

Plantation technique :

  • 30 cm3 or 45 cm3 pits and the soil is allowed to weather.
  • Planting is to be carried out in the month of July or October based on the monsoon pattern in the region.
  • For block planting nursery raised seedlings 6 to 10 months are used for planting in pits at a spacing of 3 x 3m or 5x 5m.
  • The seedlings which attain height of 50-100 cm are suitable for planting.
  • The root shoot ratio of 1:2 is considered good for stump planting.
  • Row and line planting is carried out by planting saplings.
  • Spacing 5m is maintained in of row or line planting. 
  • Regular watering and protection from browsing is required 

Care & Disease Control :

Three weedings (August, September, October) and two soil workings are done in the first year ,two weedings and two soil workings are second yearand one weeding in thired year. Pest :

  • Ailanthus webworm ,Atteva fabricella and Atteva neveigutta are serious defoliators during nursery stage.
  • Eligma narsisrs  attacks the tree growth  It is controlled by the application of monochrotophos @ 0.05%

Irrigation :

  • It does not thrive in poorly drained, flooded or waterlogged soils

Recommended Harvest :

12 - 15 years

Yield :

Approximately 70 to 80 tonnes/ha * *Subjected to varry according to site factors.

Agro Forestory :

  • Used as live stakes for supporting black pepper (Piper nigrum).

Major uses :


  • It is suitable for Grade III commercial and Grade IV moisture -proof  plywood
Match wood: 
  • It is largely used in the manufacture of matches both splints and boxes.
Fodder :
  • Leaves are highly palatable and rich in crude protein feed for sheep and goats 

Market details :

Approximately Rs.7000 - Rs.8000/ton* *Subjected to change according to market demands